welcome to our apiary!
tiny beings, great impact...
what could we do for biodiversity?
discover it with us!

bees and beekeeping, biodiversity and sustainibility... we hear often about it, but its real importance is not always so clear. What about discovering a bit more together?
If you would like to do something more practical, or simply understanding more and feel yourself more protagonist of the world in which you live, we think we might be for you!
we are sure that the widespread presence of apiaries would really make the difference. If thanks to our words as well, you would like to start a beekeeping path or we will give you even more enthusiasm in keepeeing on with it, we will be the happiest people in the world!
BUT – always remember: bees are for everyone, but not anyone can take care of them!
You need much will power, commitment, perseverance and passion. Ehy if you miss these basic ingredients and you are not going to keep some hives on your own, don’t run away! We suggest you to read us anyway. Do you know why?
Because here with us you could find different starting points from which feeling more protagonist of your life and the world in which you live. This all begins from the essential awareness that we are tiny (yes, not only the bees, but also – maybe especially? – us) with anyway a great impact on nature. A majestic and generous nature that asks in exchange nothing else than care, love and respect.
From the awareness of not being 100% aware, our project has started…are you one of us?
take some good hives, ok?
then add some passion and care of a beekeeper, like Sebastian.
mix together experience and engagement as our granpa Heinz.
Proceed with a pinch of italian enthusiasm and curiosity of a beekeeper-to-be, that is Cristina.
fOLLOW US ON THE SOCIAL AS WELL, you can find us on facebook and instagram!
Do you have any question? Curiosity? Comment? A special thought?
We are here, we would be happy to read you and, even more, to answer you!